About the high cost of orthodontic treatment (V. Nikolin)
Orthodontic treatment is a complex process of moving the jaws, changing the position of the teeth and the balance of the patient's appearance.
Orthodontic treatment is a complex process of moving the jaws, changing the position of the teeth and the balance of the patient's appearance.
Clinical Use of Multi-family Devices for the Prevention and Treatment of Bite AnomaliesDownload
Features of diagnosis and treatment in orthodontics at different stages of human development (Download) Download
Latest Style in Thought and Action in OrthodonticsDownload Orthodontic Treatment in the Growing Patient Volume…
According to statistical studies of 90% population have problems with uneven teeth. The frequency of pathological occlusion varies from…
It has been established that patients with maxillofacial disorders often suffer from such functional problems as atypical ...
The procedure of fixing braces is completely painless, takes about an hour and is performed using a special material. For…
Before a removable or non-removable orthodontic appliance is installed, it is necessary to carry out a set of treatment and prevention measures.
Based on the patient's examination and evaluation of diagnostic data, the diagnosis is established, the treatment plan is determined and its…
The initial examination allows the orthodontist to determine the need for orthodontic treatment, as well as to establish the timing of its onset. Final…
Bad habits, such as finger sucking, tongue sticking, lip biting, etc., in the early stages of formation…