The fundamental foundation to understand the craniomandibular system(СMS).
Theoretical part.
1. Cranio-mandibular system: the key to successful diagnosis and treatment plan.
- 1.1 TMJ development and formation.
- 1.2 Muscles and Ligaments.
- 1.3 The importance of muscles palpation to understand the patient problem.
- 1.4 Mandibular movements.
2. The eruption of the teeth and interaction to the bones position.
-2.1 The role of the deciduous dentition.
-2.2 The role of anterior teeth.
-2.3 The role of canines.
-2.4 The role of the bicuspids.
-2.5 The role of molars.
-2.6 General aspects of occlusion.
3. The ideal Class I normodivergent skull frame.
-3.1 General aspects.
-3.2 Major cephalometric aspectsса.
4. The ideal sequence for diagnostics.
-4.1 Clinical exams.
-4.2 Radiographic.
-4.3 Models and Articulators.
-4.4 Reference Position (RP).
-4.5 MRI.
-4.6 CBCT.
The practical part.
Cephalometrics interpretation, identifying low and high angles cases.
How to register RP position.
Mounting models on articulators with precision.
What information can we extract from models mounted.
Concept of Axis-Orbita plane.
Managing the semi adjustable articulator.
Clinical exams.
The importance of muscles palpation to understand the patient problem.
Duration: 6 hours
Language: EN
Translation: RU (webinar record only)
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Calendar of events
- 6.00 pm - 9.00 pm
- Theoretical part
Nelson J. Oppermann
- 6.00 pm - 9.00 pm
- The practical part
Nelson J. Oppermann
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