It has been found that patients with maxillofacial disorders often suffer from functional problems such as atypical swallowing, improper chewing, muscular hypotension / hypertension, posture problems and, in particular, respiratory disorders.
In fact, all these problems can be solved if the patient comes to the orthodontist for examination at an early age.
Functional correction cannot replace a doctor-prescribed orthodontic appliance. These are precautionary measures aimed at properly coordinating functions before starting treatment.
Functional correction is the basis of bioprogressive philosophy, which studies the general condition of the patient and, most importantly, helps to preserve his health and restore physiological processes during treatment.
Thanks to the use of functional devices such as Oral Screen, MULTI-T and MULTI-P, it is now possible to properly use the growth and development potential of the patient to achieve maximum treatment results, reduce treatment time and minimize the risk of recurrence.
Patient motivation, which is necessary for successful treatment, as well as the use of audiovisual or written means, will help children and their parents to appreciate and understand the benefits of functional therapy.
The use of various means for functional education (Oral Screen, MULTI-T and MULTI-P) can be prescribed at the age of 5 years. In this case, it is necessary that all participants in the treatment process make every effort to achieve the best result.
Oral Screen: 5-8 years
MULTI-T: 8-11 years
MULTI-P: 9-13 years (functional education)
MULTI-P: as a retention device between the I and II phases of treatment
MULTI-P: 13 years and older (retention)
Clinical cases:
Thumb sucking.
The guy is five years old. Functional correction is appointed.
Correction with Oral Screen. The result in 6 months.
Supraocclusion. Class I by Engle
Guy 10 years old brachyfacial type. Offset of the midline. Blocked lower jaw. Crowding of teeth less than -4 mm. Ectopic 13 tooth with the wrong location.
Atypical swallowing. Hypertension of the perioral muscle.
Treatment was performed with MULTI-T and MULTI-P.
The lower jaw is unlocked, the midline is adjusted. The depth of the bite was eliminated, and the eruption of 13 teeth was corrected.
Girl 7 years old, brachyfacial type. Crowding of incisors on the upper and lower jaws. Offset of the center line.
Hypertension of the oral muscles.
Treatment was performed with MULTI-T and MULTI-P.
Unlocking of the lower jaw and alignment of the teeth was successful.
Class II.1 for Englem
Girl 9 years old, type mésofacial tendency to brachiofacial. Overjet 10mm.
Atypical swallowing, lower lip located between upper and lower teeth, mouth breathing. Jaw muscles are active.
1 stage of treatment:
EF2 and MULTI-P to correct proper teething. Repositioning the location of the tongue on the upper jaw and eliminating transverse disorders. Correction of atypical swallowing.
Stage 2 treatment:
Correction of dental arches in the transversal using non-removable equipment, bioprogressive straight wire fixed technique.
Class II for Englem
The guy is 11 years old, mésofacial type. Overjet 6mm.
The lower jaw is blocked, the upper arc is V-shaped.
Mouth breathing, atypical swallowing, jaw muscles are active.
MULTI-P treatment.
Bite correction was corrected and teething was corrected.
Class II for Englem
Girl 9 years, type mesofacial tendency to brachiofacial, thumb sucking, atypical swallowing, mouth breathing
1 stage of treatment:
Stage 2 treatment:
Engle's Class II correction was performed, as well as the correction of the position of the tongue. The patient is being examined by a doctor.
Anterior cross-bite
An 8-year-old boy with a cross-bite in the frontal area.
1 stage of treatment:
MULTI-T for cross-bite correction
Stage 2 treatment:
MULTI-P for proper eruption of permanent teeth.