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Initial consultation with an orthodontist

The initial examination allows the orthodontist to determine the need for orthodontic treatment, as well as to establish the timing of its onset.

The final treatment plan is formed after studying the diagnostic data.

At the beginning of any orthodontic treatment, the procedure of obtaining diagnostic data is performed. Their complete set will allow the orthodontist to adequately assess the situation, make a treatment plan and, when re-consulted, demonstratively explain to the patient or his parents the amount of possible orthodontic care.

Diagnostic data include occlusion registration, jaw impressions for plaster casts, intraoral and extraoral photographs, as well as X-rays - (OPG) orthopantomogram, (TRG) teleradiogram - to assess the existing location of the jaws relative to the tooth base, at the base of the skull the condition of the roots, the placement of the rudiments of teeth that have not yet erupted, and possibly an X-ray of the hand to determine the stage of growth. In some cases, a CT scan of the skull is performed.

It should be remembered that such a visit is associated with the taking of fingerprints, so you should refrain from eating for a few hours before a visit to the orthodontist.