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Installation of an orthodontic appliance

The procedure of fixing braces is completely painless, takes about an hour and is performed using a special material. In order for the bracket to be securely attached to the enamel surface, the tooth is pre-treated with a sour-tasting solution.

Modern methods of fixing orthodontic appliances do not damage the enamel, but on the contrary, create a protective barrier around the brace. After fixing the braces, an arch is installed, which is fastened with metal or elastic ligatures. In the first days after installation, some discomfort in the teeth and soft tissues is possible. The degree of such discomfort is individual and can vary from mild itching to moderate pain, especially when bitten.

The habituation period can last from 2-3 days to 2 weeks; recommend rinsing with warm salted water or taking painkillers. If the device injures the lips or cheeks, you can use protective wax or chewing gum by placing them on the device in front of the injured area.